
Office Locations

Futrus is your primary point of contact should you have questions on specifications, pricing, or technical.

Our Reps provide further local specification support.

[East Coast]: Futrus 154 Distl Ave. | Mansfield, OH 44902

[West Coast]: Futrus 8581 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 321 | West Hollywood, CA 90069

Phone: 1-877-388-7871

General Inquiries | info@futrus.com
Quote Requests | quotes@futrus.com
PO Submissions | orders@futrus.com

Interested in learning more about Futrus or our solutions?
Contact us at info@futrus.com for specific product information or for a presentation from our team members.

Planning a project and need a demo furniture piece or mock up of our solutions?
Contact us at quotes@futrus.com with specific details for the project and the requested product or custom solution.

Our Sales Team


West Coast:
Mark Allen: mark@futrus.com
President/Founding Partner

East Coast:
Lisa Anderchak: lisa@futrus.com
Market & Sales Leader

NYC Metro Area:
Christina Voutsinas: christina@futrus.com
Sales and A&D Representative (NYC Metro Area)

DuPont™ Surfaces

US Northeast:
Elizabeth Cunningham: Elizabeth.ann.cornish-cunningham@dupont.com

US Central:
David Greening: david.p.greening@dupont.com

US Southeast:
William Lee: william.david.lee@dupont.com

Dallas, TX:
Madiha Latif: madiha.latif@dupont.com

Atlanta, GA:
Ida Sisic: ida.sisic@dupont.com

Hallmark Building Supplies, Inc.

901 Northview Road, Suite 100 Waukesha, WI 53188
1-800-642-2246 | www.hllmark.com

Areas Covered:

Las Vegas, AZ, NM, UT and El Paso, TX:
Kristen Girard: KGirard@hllmark.com

Shannon Montour: smontour@hllmark.com

Kim Brose, kim@hllmark.com

AR, LA, KS, MO, Southern IL:
Kristy Rinne, krinne@hllmark.com

OK, Dallas & North TX:
Allison Baker, abaker@hllmark.com

NC & Northern South Carolina:
Barbara Davis: BDavis@hllmark.com

GA & Southern South Carolina:
Susan Cronin: SCronin@hllmark.com

Southern Texas:
Dawn Jackson: Djackson@hllmark.com

Ohio Valley Supply Company

7050 Links Drive | Cincinnati, OH 45237

Areas Covered:

DE, Eastern Shore of MD, and Eastern PA including Philadelphia:
Beth Bingaman: beth.bingaman@ovsco.com

Central PA and Central MD including Baltimore:
Lisa Rine: lisa.rine@ovsco.com

Central & eastern VA, including Richmond and Tidewater:
Cheryl Davis: cheryl.davis@ovsco.com

Western MD, Eastern Panhandle of WV and Northern VA including Washington, DC:
Nicole Benoit: nicole.benoit@ovsco.com

Dayton & Columbus, OH and surrounding areas:
Diane Igel: diane.igel@ovsco.com

Western PA and Northern Panhandle of WV:
Nickolette Goodemote: n.goodemote@ovsco.com

Indianapolis, IN and surrounding areas:
Heidi Gessner: heidi.gessner@ovsco.com

Cincinnati, OH and Lexington & Louisville, KY:
Brian Fortin: brian.fortin@ovsco.com

H.J Oldenkamp

4850 Coolidge Hwy, Royal Oak, MI 48073
586-756-0600 | www.oldenkamp.com

Territories Covered:

West and Northern Michigan:
Hilliary Haddad: hhaddad@oldenkamp.com

Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan:
Sabrina Kassab: skassab@oldenkamp.com

East Michigan (excl. Oakland and Macomb):
Heather Ray: hray@oldenkamp.com

Nashville, Tennessee and Huntsville, Alabama:
Meg Tucker: mtucker@oldenkamp.com

Alabama and Florida Panhandle:
Stephanie Caldarello: scaldarello@oldenkamp.com

Memphis and Mississippi:
Kyra Barham: kbarham@oldenkamp.com

East Tennessee:
Morgan Farner: mfarner@oldenkamp.com


1563 Hubbard Ave
Batavia, IL 60510
Phone: (800) 338-3355 | Fax: (630) 761-6820
https://www.parksite.com/contact/ | www.parksite.com


Northern Illinois (including Chicago), Northern Indiana, Northern Ohio, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Florida (excluding the Panhandle) and southernmost Georgia



United States: California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii and Alaska
Canada: British Columbia, Albert Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario
Laura Dewhirst: laurad@4willis.com

Willis – Canada

1149 Pioneer Road
Burlington, ON L7M 1K5
Phone: 888-994-5547 | Fax: 888-994-5548 | www.4willis.com


Ontario plus eastern region of Canada:
Laura Dewhirst, laurad@4willis.com