Warranty – Guaranteed Quality
With proper care, your Futrus products built with Corian® can stay looking like new. Your Futrus products built with Corian® solid surface carry a 5-Year, Limited Warranty, unless otherwise noted, from date of substantial completion when installed by a Futrus authorized installer. Futrus products are built with Corian® which carries a 10 year (product only) commercial warranty for North America. Futrus does not warrant failure resulting from physical damage, improper use, customer negligence, normal wear and tear, unauthorized repairs, or exposure to unusual conditions.
The express warranties contained in this selling policy are the only warranties that Futrus makes and take the place of all the warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose and all other warranties arising from course of dealing or usage or trade. The remedies provided in this Futrus Policy are Your only remedies for any failure by Futrus to comply with its promises regarding the workmanship of its Products. Futrus’ correction of any defect in the manner and for the period of time provided shall constitute complete fulfillment of all liabilities of Futrus, with respect to or arising out of the Product sold to You.
Contact: Futrus® Sales & Service info@futrus.com 1.877.FUTRUS1(388.7871) futrus.com